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Phosban query

I just started to use a phosphate reactor on Wednesday and noticed my skimmer hasn't been pulling much the last few day. Is this just a coincidence or does phosban have effect on skimmer? ??? I've also been using a fliter socks so maybe thats affecting it also?

pistolpete said:
I just started to use a phosphate reactor on Wednesday and noticed my skimmer hasn't been pulling much the last few day. Is this just a coincidence or does phosban have effect on skimmer? ??? I've also been using a fliter socks so maybe thats affecting it also?


I think the filter socks would make the big difference.


The phosban will release minute particulates into the water column for a few hours. The skimmer should settle and you should see foam fractionation in the next day or two-

let us know how you make out in the next few...
Side Note: Watch your Alkalinity. On smaller systems many people have noticed a drop in alk using Phosban. It's not a problem, but just something to be aware of.

Couple of questions for you. How much did you use and what's your total water volume?
How much flow do you have going through the reactor? Can you see the Phosban tumbling at the top of the reactor? What pump?

Merv Rubiano said:
The phosban will release minute particulates into the water column for a few hours. The skimmer should settle and you should see foam fractionation in the next day or two-

let us know how you make out in the next few...

you were correct. the skimmer started to foam yesterday and back to normal. I also slowed down the flow on the phosphate reactor a bit just in case it was too fast. now the phosban shoould only be tumbling in the top 1/2 inch , correct?
You don't want it to tumble at all. All you want to see is the column of Phosban lift up a little in the reactor and you're good. You may see a little movement at the very top but no tumbling.

If you get it to rough very tiny particles break off and agitate the corals.
