If you are considering doing any plumbing work, or are kicking around the idea of upgrading, especially 1 ½ inch plumbing, this package is for you. There is easily a couple hundred dollars worth of fittings and valves here. However, I’m only charging $25 for everything. Realize there are three true union valves here which cost about $20/each. Along with the four valves, there are regular elbows, street elbows, couplings, reducers, unions, tees, etc., at 90, 45 and 22 ½ degrees. A little bit of everything. Let me know if you need actual detail.
1 Inch Fittings:
1 ¼ Inch Fittings:
1 ½ Inch Fittings and Valves:
2 Inch Fittings:
1 Inch Fittings:
1 ¼ Inch Fittings:
1 ½ Inch Fittings and Valves:
2 Inch Fittings: