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Plumbing ?

Im helping someone setup a 220. The sumps in the basement he already had the plumbing run down. Problem is he had 2 1" lines run 1 drain 1 return, and he has a sequence barracuda (3780gph a @4ft 18ft max). Its about 15ft down and 10 ft over. Anyone have any ideas how I can make this work. BTW Im not depending on this for all the tanks flow Im putting a closed loop in as well. Thanks in advance.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If it's possible, I would make those 1" lines drains and run another line up as the return. You want to keep that return as large as possible and then drop it down a step once you get to the tank.

I think the Barracuda has 1.5" coming out of it, so if you could step that up to 2" right at the pump and then down to 1" (or less) right at the tank, that would be your best bet. With that kind of run, you are probably cutting that flow in half or possibly more.
Theres no way to run another line unfortunately. I think the pump might even be pumping at less half capacity at that head pressure. Anyone no how much flow a 1" drain line can handle?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The longer your run back to the sump the less I would trust the 1" for 600g though!