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POTO Sidechick?


NJRC Member
Hey folks, long time no talk!

Last year I brought a bunch of chunks of POTO Sidechick to a meeting and gave away to anyone who wanted them.

Fast forward to a few months ago, when I found my tank struggling, and my heater unplugged. Not sure how long the tank was in the upper 60s, but it wasn't happy. The die off from a good 50% of my corals caused all sorts of fun problems, and I ended up losing quite a bit and then dealing with massive algae outbreaks for a month or so.

Anyway, long story short, I'm trying to restock a few things, and I'd really like a chunk of that sidechick, if anyone in central jersey (I'm in south brunswick) might have a small piece they can snap off for me.

Also, looking for some zoas to replace some I lost.




Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
damn sorry to hear that. that sucks and i know the pain. hopefully someone has a piece for you to return.


NJRC Member
Sorry about that situation!! Hopefully on of these people was able to get it to grow and get you back. I think it’s harder for sps to survive when the frags are mini colony size…
Good luck