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Protein Skimmer Upgrade

While the subject is here and still hot. I have been thinking of upgrading my Prizm Deluxe skimmer to the Remora C. I have read alot of good things about the Remora and alot of bad things about the Prizm. One thing I do NOT like about the Prizm is that is is throwing alot of micro bubbles into the tank. Adjusting the skimmer litterally takes a few days. Once you get it adjusted, it is almost time to empty the cup. You have to turn the adjustment valve off to do this. Then you are back to 3 or more days of adjusting again.

So, what is everybody's opinion on the Remora C with the Maxi-Jet 1200 pump?

The Remora is pretty popular among those that choose to have a skimmer sit in the back as a "HOB". My experience with aqua c is limited to their ev series which are notorious for being tardy in the "break-in" process. But I liked their customer service.

However, without an idea of the size of your tank or whether you have a sump - it's hard to say the remora c is the way to go.
I use mine for couple for years and I have absolutely no issues (75 gal tanl). The only thing is that you have to keep the colection cup clean to maximize the collection (I skim wet). Adjustment is trivial.