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Proud, Beach cleanup 2011


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I really wanted to share this with you guys. My kids love doing our annual beach cleanups. It is a 2 Hr ride for me but well worth it. We are proud to do our part in trying to clean up the earth. This year it was even a little more special to our family since my Sister volunteered also. She was amazed at the enthusiasm and captured a lot of it in pictures. At one point my kids started to sway from our main objective of cleaning trash and their attention span was challenged, so my sister asked them to start collecting some neat shells and such from the waterline for a special project she would like to do. They did so for about 20-30 mins and then we were right back on trash pickup! When all was over we toured the rest of the island , checked out the sights and toured to the top of the lighthouse where the kids learned a lot. It was truly a great day.

Since then, my sister put together a family album of the beach cleanup pictures as well as pictures we took by the old base sights and lighthouse. Then last week she surprised us and came over to do the special project with the kids. They sorted through the stuff they had collected and glued them on a picture frame which now houses a family shot of us on that day on the beach. I think this was an awesome idea and we now have a keepsake for memories. I am proud of my family and sister for this participation and can't wait to do it again!

Here is a pic of the picture that they made


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Don, that is absolutely fantastic! What a great memento of that day.

Now how come I don’t see bottle caps and beach whistles in that frame? :grin:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
LOL Paul! Yea, I'm sure we collected enough of those to make a whole separate picture frame.

Don, it's really inspiring that your kids are so into the cleanups. I've seen your kids more excited about doing it than some of the adults that were there!

Kudos to your sis too for doing this project. Not only is it a great memento, but it made the cleanup even more fun for the kids. They're going to be seeing that pic all year round and bug the crap outta you to go do another one. :applause: