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pump "head" question

Im currently on the search for a pump for my build. How is head loss calculated. Im considering buying 1 pump and supplying the 90gal, Reactors, and possibly my nano as a frag tank.
Are all the vertical's considered in head loss.
Example: The 90 gal will have approximatly 4 3/4' head
Frag tank is approx. 3.5' vertical but will be about 5' away
Reactors will hang in stand at about 2' up.

Is total head here about 10' or does the horizontal distance come into play.
thanks for the assist.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
All horizontal, vertical, fittings, etc...phase of the moon.....come into play. The easiest is to use the calculator on RC, found HERE.
Thanks. I did try that out. I guess I just don't understand all of this. I want to be able to run the 90 and at the very minimum a dual reactor. With one pump. I would also like the option to run a frag tank with the same.
I was considering buying a sicce syncra 5.0 that someone here has for sale. But it seems that once I get just the tank and reactors plumbed there won't even be enough for the tank. Is there a way to dumb this down a bit.

After running the calculator I came up with 13.41' of head pressure with 565 gph. That is with a mag 18. That is clearly not enough to run the tank much less the reactors and frag.
I prefer the redundancy of multiple pumps, but make sure you are using as few fittings as is practicable. You may be trying to do too much, with a single pump.
To be honest I'm leaning towards multiple pumps just to avoid the headaches. But if I can avoid the extra heat from the pumps that would have been great.
You could use "high efficiency" pumps, but they tend to be expensive up front. You have to heat your water anyway, so if heat is your only objection, as long as you don't have to start using a chiller, you'll be OK. I'm running all individual pumps for three reactors, skimmer, and two returns without any excess heat. I also have four power heads in the DT.
Thanks Jim. That makes it much better for me. To be honest I'm the keep it simple kind. I think I'll just rely on individual pumps for this. Setup where I can. A sicce 3.5 is just right to run the 90 at capacity and I'll just get the MJ 1200 for the BRS dual. Im not sure if ill have the room for the frag tank anyway so that may or may not be added. Thanks.