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Pump trouble / question

I realize this does not make sense but it me so I guess whatever can happen will. I relocated my pan world 200 into my basement about 10feet away from where it was yesterday repiped it plugged it in and now it dooes not pump from my rubbermaid. the ppump turns on but no waterflow , the thing worked yesterday its an external pump and should have enough output to handle the move, how can I check it ? any suggestions.?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Which panworld pump do you have? Have you tried to divert the flow back to the sump to see if it would recirc through just the sump?
Hi Phyl , thanks for the help . Yes I disconnected it from the 2 unions and held it in the sump and no output. the motor runs but no flow . took the front plastic cover off to check the motor the motor turns the impeller looks good the pump is only months old and looks good inside. looked on the site for maintenance and performed the maintenance. not sure what to do . cant see the pump going bad by walking it 10 feet away and plugging it in.