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Questions about my crazy clowns

Ok, so I bought them an anemone a few weeks ago. At first, they ignored it. But, when I moved them to the temp tank for the move, they hosted immediately. When I moved them to the new 90 gallon, the stupid anemone crawled all the way across the tank around the rocks and wedged itself in the back corner of the tank. They found it and hosted.

First of all, I think the anemone is dead, so I moved it out of the corner to the front of the tank to watch it for the next day because honestly, I can't really tell.

Second, the silly clowns are still in the back corner. The larger (which I am assuming is the "she") is finning the sand with her tail and essentially digging a hole. She's making quite the mess back there. "He" is patrolling the area and for the first time is actually driving "Dr. Evil" (the scopas tang) out of their corner. "She" is back there standing on her tail and flinging sand everywhere.

Are they prepping to spawn?

Is it possible they killed the anemone? It was fine until they starting fiddling with it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It is possible that they hurt the anemone. They can definintely "love it to death", unfortunately. I've seen it happen first hand if the anemone isn't quite big enough for them. Funny that they've made that spot home, and not the anemone. My maroon made a huge mess of the sand regularly (when she lived on her own). Now that she has an anemone she's a much better tank-mate.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If the clowns stayed back there, it is possible that they spawned. Thats the spawning pattern that you described. The male will also breath or blow on the eggs for some reason. If you see this, congrats daddy. Hope you can grab a few eggs before they get eaten.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The eggs are usually on a wall or rock surface near by. The male will protect them with a passion. They're bright orange for the first 2 days or so and then turn silver. They hatch usually about 14d after they're put down. Good luck if that's the case!
Congrads Dad,

from what you have observe, they're tryin got get things ready for their offsprings. Can you possibly find another Anemone they will host in?

Anyone got one they wanna get rid of? LOL!

I am hesitant to put another in there. I don't want to be responsible for another death...
I had a similar situation when I bought my anemone two weeks ago. Numerous times I thought it was dead because it looked wilted. I almost got rid of it but it was still attached to the rock so I left it alone. To my amazement, hours later it was as if I just brought it home. This happened a few times. I also find that mine likes the back of the tank as well. So far so good.