• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Questions about NJRC

I would like to find out who the "owner" or "creator" of the club is,and how long it's been around? These questions are not intended to be rude in any way but, where does my membership fee go and what is it used for?

Just curious.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Unlike some clubs, NJRC is a Non-Profit Corporation. There is no "owner" or benefactor of your dues and payments. The club uses your dues to be able to bring in speakers (like the ones presenting at the Frag Swap), educate and our mission is to help conserve our ocean resources while preserving and enjoying our hobby. We have been accumulating resources over the last 3 years to enable us to be financially strong enough to host a MACNA, which is the national educational event sponsored by the Marine Aquarium Society of North America.

NJRC has been around since the late 90's in one form or another. In 2005 I was elected president and helped guide the club attaining its non-profit status. The club is run by volunteers who offer to run the club for the year. These volunteers are then put through an election process to be elected by the membership. None of the officers are paid nor compensated in any way.

The group buys that the club runs are solely for the benefit of the membership. The club makes no profit off of those buys (with the exception of a buffer to ensure we cover our costs).

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask!
Phyl said:
Unlike some clubs, NJRC is a Non-Profit Corporation. There is no "owner" or benefactor of your dues and payments. The club uses your dues to be able to bring in speakers (like the ones presenting at the Frag Swap), educate and our mission is to help conserve our ocean resources while preserving and enjoying our hobby. We have been accumulating resources over the last 3 years to enable us to be financially strong enough to host a MACNA, which is the national educational event sponsored by the Marine Aquarium Society of North America.

NJRC has been around since the late 90's in one form or another. In 2005 I was elected president and helped the club attain its non-profit status. The club is run by volunteers who offer to run the club for the year. These volunteers are then put through an election process to be elected by the membership. None of the officers are paid nor compensated in any way.

The group buys that the club runs are solely for the benefit of the membership. The club makes no profit off of those buys (with the exception of a buffer to ensure we cover our costs).

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask!

Thank you Phyl, for the detailed response. I never knew the club was that old, and that's great the money is going to help the oceans.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's right! The moderators and committee members are all volunteers! ;D
we also don't compensate the nice people who open up their homes for the monthly meetings right? so those folks also count!

I think the only "person" that truly makes money off our club is PayPal - that evil Ebay subsidiary.