I picked up my used oceanic 30g cube today, it included a CPR overflow and a 5g sump and 5-7g (will measure seller wasn't sure) acrylic drilled sump (I think it must be something brand name but no idea what so I'll post photos so you guys can help me ID it later)... anyways he included the sand that was in the refug... it isn't alive anymore and is dried out and I can see snail shells and dried up pods in it... can I still rinse it and use it or would you toss it because of all the dead organics? Also how many inches of sand would you recommend for the sump in this system?
Thanks everyone, I'm sure I'll have a million other questions once I get it cleaned up and ready to go since I've never had an overflow/sump/refug before.
Thanks everyone, I'm sure I'll have a million other questions once I get it cleaned up and ready to go since I've never had an overflow/sump/refug before.