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For those of you that use this, can I ask where you get the ingredents for the calcium(Dowflake), and magnesium(Mag Flakes). I have been looking and can't find. Then I found a thread somewhere suggesting that Dowflake may not be OK to use anymore. Thanks in advance for the assist.
Dow Flakes are tough to find. I had a bag, and can only guess that it was used to melt snow. So I found Prestone’s Driveway Heat, and I’ve been using that.
I found both Driveway Heat and Mag Flakes at a True Value Hardware store….but it was a couple years ago. Note that you need less Driveway Heat to make up your calcium solution. There are also other alternatives…Peladow….which I think I might have seen at HD. If you don’t feel comfy using these, BRS sells a calcium for making your own two-part.
Also, don’t use the Magnesium recipe found HERE. Use the newer one found HERE. The new recipe, which involves first making two solutions, mixes up with very little precipitate. The older recipe gave you a ton of precipitate.
Baking Soda, I bought from Sam’s….I think something like a 13 pound bag, and Epsom Salt came from Shoprite.
What amazes me is the cost savings in making your own two-part….it’s enormous.
After my leaking bucket problem with B-Ionic, I now have my homemade supply all made up and sitting in the closet!
Thanks for the tip. I'm kind of in between on adding Kalk to topoff water or doing the 2 part. I'm leaning towards the 2 part since I don't need to dose my other tank. That way I don't have to keep topoff water seperate. ATM I've been doing brightwells reef code A/B but that will run out soon.