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Reccomendation on a skimmer

Wanted to find out what you folks think:

I need to get a new skimmer for my 90 gallon.

I have a smaller sump and am not opposed to placing it outside and plumbing it in.

I would like it to be as compact as possible, quiet, and eliminate microbubbles.

Any reccommendations?

I think any quality skimmer you get will be just fine.

When reading skimmer reccomendations people will often recommend the one they bought along with a comment like "... and it works great", or they will recommend their dream skimmer. Most people only have experience with a few different brands, so they really don't have the experience with all the possible skimmers to give you sound advice.

I would recommend that you get one that is rated for at least double your tank size. The manufacturer's tend to be "very optimistic".

Always buy top quality, and don't be afraid to spend quite a lot on it. It's far cheeper to do that up front than it is to replace a junk one later.
What is your budget?
There are alot of diferent designs out there Neddelwheel,Airstone,Beckett,
What is the max height you can have if you are going to put it in the stand
Start looking at EuroReef,MTC,MRC,ASM
I have a RedSea Berlin Skimmer I can sell you cheap if you are interested!

Hey Kenny- if price is not that much of an issue, Deltecs rock! Quiet, can be plumbed outside, extremely energy efficient, almost non existent microbubbles, pulls out a ton of skimmate, and well... hold their value........ I think that's it!

I've had Turboflotor, AquaC, a HOB Skilter, and for a very small time an ASM. I wish I had gotten the deltec sooner.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have owned AquaC 120 & 180, ASM G4, and Bermudaaquatics 3C.

I would never buy another ASM. I love my Bermudaaquatics 3c the best, but the AquaC 120 is a good value based on price performance.
I don't have the exact numbers with me at work...but the area of the sump that the skimmer needs to go in is about a square foot...I need to fit the skimmer with its pump as well as my return pump in that space.
In-sump skimmers take up sumps space and require to sit in constant water level to skim consistently. There are some really highly rated ones and are generally more affordable (Euroreef RS, ASM, BubbleMaster, BubbleKing Mini)

Recirculation skimmers can be plumbed externally, but require a small feed pump to feed the water (or some people plumb it directly from the overflow). These are really good IMO, easier to setup and forget about. DAS, H&S, Deltec, Octopus, Reeflo. I just got this type of skimmer and love it.

Spray-injection (Beckett) skimmers I hear create crazy amounts of foam, but they knock I've heard about them is that (1) they need a pressure-rated pump to drive it (expensive), and (2) they are louder. Also have heard that the spray bar gets clogged and has to be cleaned often. Again, I have no experience with these types of skimmers so this is just what I've read when researching. Bermuda aquatics, Tunze, MRC.
KennyZush said:
I am considering going with this due to my space constraints...


My only question is...How does it eliminate Microbubbles?


ETSS skimmers are excellent. They have a patent on the downdraft design, and that's why you don't see other manufacturers making similar skimmers.

Removing micro bubbles is done by the design of the sump. Note the placement of the baffles in the sump in the pictures of the skimmer in action.

Using a skimmer in the sump requires that the water level, in the sump section where you place the skimmer, is constant. Note that the baffles are also used to keep the water the skimmer uses at a constant depth.
DaveK said:
KennyZush said:
I am considering going with this due to my space constraints...


My only question is...How does it eliminate Microbubbles?


ETSS skimmers are excellent. They have a patent on the downdraft design, and that's why you don't see other manufacturers making similar skimmers.

Removing micro bubbles is done by the design of the sump. Note the placement of the baffles in the sump in the pictures of the skimmer in action.

Using a skimmer in the sump requires that the water level, in the sump section where you place the skimmer, is constant. Note that the baffles are also used to keep the water the skimmer uses at a constant depth.

This is the one I am going with....ordered it from Will yesterday.
Thanks everyone for all your input.

Are you pleased with the performance of the Sumpbuddy working? I am looking for a skimmer now. I have space constraints (Width 7 1/2 in. Depth 7 1/2in. H 13 1/2in) with Amiracle bio ball setup, 55 gal., currently FO but corals after skimmer purchase.
Other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Queenie said:
Are you pleased with the performance of the Sumpbuddy working? I am looking for a skimmer now. I have space constraints (Width 7 1/2 in. Depth 7 1/2in. H 13 1/2in) with Amiracle bio ball setup, 55 gal., currently FO but corals after skimmer purchase.
Other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

As soon as it comes in I will post an update.
The factory was out of stock, but I am expecting it this week.
