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Reef cleaner order


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NJRC Member
So, some orders in the past have been bad, but I've heard there's improvement and placed an order.
Tank is a 30g, ordered the '33g package with hermits'.

30 Dwarf ceriths - were tiny as expected, but very tiny
11 Nassarius - 2 dead, very small
10 Fla ceriths - looks like 8-9 alive, max length about 1/4"
9 Nerites - all about pinky nail size, looks like all alive, so good
8 Hermits - 2 dead, 4 small, 2 super small
2 porcelain crabs (add ons) - 1 dead, other alive, average size

The entire CuC fit, very easily, into the cupped palm of my hand with room to spare for the bargain price of $96.

Dumped half into the 30 and half into my 15g and went out to Petco to buy some hermits and snails.

So, for this order I was pleased with the communication and a decent survival rate (no extras in bags to cover shipping losses).
But this was a 10g, if that, mini clean up crew for $96.

I need to start a CuC business.

Not even going to contact John. He's a nice enough guy but it seems over the past few years every delivery requires a call or email.
Just going to accept that I did receive most of the livestock alive and things have changed, but not necessarily improved overall.
I'm seriously going to have to stop ordering until I hear some solid reviews again.

Anyone has a good CuC lead, please share.
I had a guy in Fla I ordered ceriths from about 2 years back that was great, I'll try to find that info to share.

Here's a pic of one of the 9 surviving nassarius...
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NJRC Member
I just got another order feom him today of Mexican turbos and their all great. Nice mix in sizes,the crab order I got 2 weeks ago of 50+assorted was also awesome. Zero dead loss in both. Here's the turbos


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NJRC Member
:oo: Weird.
My order came with 8 hermits, 2 were doa and out of the shell.
2 were average small size, 2 were more like micro snails.

Didn't order any turbos.