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Ridding Hair Algae from rocks

I'm about to move my LR to my new tank but the rock has hair algae and i don't want it to spread to the new tank . I'm trying to figure out the best way to rid the algae without affecting the fish . I once read of someone who put the LR in a bin with pool algaecide for a few days. will this affect the fish and will it kill all the bacteria. I'm more concerned with the fish. It if rids the algae and doesn't affect the fish then i don't care about the bacteria. Its only about 50pds of LR, not many pieces as my tanks is a fowlr. any other suggestions would be appreciated, thanks



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'd be more inclined to put it in fresh SW with a pump and let the HA die off with no light source. Then scrub it really well to remove it from the surface of the rock. I wouldn't personally put algaecide in with rock that I wanted to put in my fish tank. I'd buy new rock before I'd take that chance.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If he was to kill off the Bacteria with the treatment, it should re-seed from the existing rock.

I would do some extensive researching on the pool algaecides before implementing. Also, chances are all pool algaecide are not created equal.

Please post your findings.
Another view.
How bad is the rock and how good is your other tank? If the conditions in your "good" tank make it so that algae cannot grow, I would say that the algae on the rock you are putting in will die off from lack of proper conditions. I would scrub the rock and put it in your tank, or put it in your sump for a while before putting it in your tank.
Im transferring everything from my 120(old tank) to my new 210. Im thinking of just scrubbing it really good and putting it in the sump with no light or in a bin with SW.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Putting it in fresh SW or your sump with no lighting on it is your best bet. I would really recommend you not soaking it in algacide. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Im definitlry interested in picking some snails. I'll let you know as soon as i get the rock in to the sump. hopefully by this weekend
pistolpete said:
Im definitlry interested in picking some snails. I'll let you know as soon as i get the rock in to the sump. hopefully by this weekend

snails, usually found in our tanks, don't eat hair algae.
roadking05 said:
What fish or invert is best for Hair algae ??? I have Kole tang and algae blennie that don't do *&%! :mad:
My Yellow tang worked like a real pig on hair algae. It scrapped them so clean that it scrapped the pieces of the rock surface. It literally shaves the rocks themselves. The Naso tang, I had, would eat them only if no other fresh algae (sargasum or caulerpa) was not available but would still eat them. How big is your tank?