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RO/DI, RO, or DI?


NJRC Member

I have been using this for my aquarium GE - Model GXRLQR - Lead/Cyst Quick Change Refrigerator Filter  (Yes, please go ahead and laugh)  :-[

and now i am sick of it, and get ready to put in a pure water for the aquarium, and i did some research about RO/DI, the only concern i have is:  RO/DI unit have a lots of waste!  about 1:4 ratio (meaning each 1 gal of pure water produced will have 4 gal of waste water down the drain...) this is insane!!!

in order to achieved no wasted or minimum wasted approach (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/rofaq2.htm)

- some suggested, by using RO only unit will be enough for aquarium if the town water is not too bad (i am in GreenBrook, NJ 08812 - next to BridgeWater)
- others suggested just go ahead use only a two column DI units or Rechargeable DI unit...

so, any comments or suggestions? Please help to comments.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
All the waste is generated from the RO membrane. So RO only will generate as much waste as RO/DI. A few suggestions, which I have implemented, will reduce the rejection rate. Warm the water, booster pump, and permeate pump. I would guess I'm closer to a 1 to 1 ratio then a 2 to 1 at this point.


NJRC Member
when they said RO only, mean only use RO, all the output use as pure?
how do you warm the water - the water is straight out form the pipe to the input jack of the unit?

I warm the water by using a mix of hot and cold water as the input from a faucet connetion instead of using a saddle valve to the cold water pipe.

Rich, can you explain a little about the workings of a permeate pump? This caught my attention during the AWI group buy, but I never did the follow up research.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

From what I understand. It uses the energy from the waste line to force more water threw the membrane. The pump actually stops the flow from the waste for a couple seconds then there is a surge in the product water when the waste starts again. Some how or another it's suppose to help prevent TDS creep as well. I don't know/remember the specifics but it has increased the output with no additional TDS showing on the meter.



NJRC Member
thanks for Rich and blange3 's reply...

anyone have comment on the "Rechargeable DI unit"?
I bought a used RO unit a couple of years ago & the guy had installed a valve on the waste water output to create more back pressure on the RO membrane. I can't tell you if worked better or not I have nothing tp compate it to.
You may also want to look into a Kold Sterile unit
There have been a few threads about them:

The biggest complaint about them (other than intial cost) is the availibilty of replacement filters. But they are located in West Orange NJ so you drive over & get them if needed.

Also don't forget that the waste water is no more polluted than tap water so you can use it for others things if you save it.