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RO/DI system

Hey I was wondering what is a good RO/DI system for a 55 gallon tank? I want to do water changes of 15 gallons every 2 weeks and I want it to do about 15 gallons in like 6 hours. Any ideas or recommendations on a good system you have used or any expirence with? I guess a faster one could also be better because I am planning on upgrading to a 110 to 200 soon. Price should be reasonable also.
I use the Typhoon III, and just ordered a new one! Brother bought the first one and he moved out so I needed to buy one, airwaterice is awesome. Ship fast too, mine will be here tomorrow. Never leaked once.
Thanks i am looking into getting one from airwaterice I think they have great prices espically! Alot less than my LFS!