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Rock Beauty Angel


NJRC Member
I have a juvi rock beauty for sale. 2.5". I have had it since Jan and it's super healthy and robust. It probably grown 1/2" in a few months. This is a beautiful fish. Eats frozen and flakes. Does not eat coral and I don't see it pick at corals much either.

It looks exactly like the picture in LA except it's fatter. The yellow color is very solid and intense.


This is one of the smaller large angelfish reaching 8" max size according to LA. So long term you will need a tank 125g or greater. Not an easy fish to get acclimated would like to see it go to a good home.

Asking $50.


NJRC Member



NJRC Member
I had him with an adult Regal and similar sized multifasicatus for a while. He picked at the regals skin like a cleaner fish. Not an aggressive fish.

I had him then by himself in a 80g for a while now he beats up a new baby angel I am trying to add. The baby regal is a little smaller. It might work though after the baby regal is established but the 80g is probably too small for two angels anyway.

I only have a few SPS in the tank for my oranged spotted filefish to eat and I have not seem him touching any coral.


NJRC Member
Since no one is interested in the angelfish I will put one of my convict tang for sale, so I can move the RB into the DT. Convicts are very peaceful (I have two in a 100g tank) and great algae eaters. $50.
