Well, its been an adventure since the swap...dipped all my new corals and got them in the display. The RTBA looked like he was going to settle in the middle of the tank. This am at 7:30 under minimal blues couldn't find him when my wife notices white stuff in the Jeabo 40. I kicked up the lights and found a small amount of flesh in tank. Removed the flesh. Checked the skimmer which was more than full. Changed the socks...
Tank is a little cloudy right now but everything seems ok, shrimp were partying all night it seems.
And to top off everything I threw the dirty sock in my laundry sink to soak and forgot I had it plugged until I heard a scream about a flood...
Wasn't too bad luckily...
Now on to a birthday party for my 3 year old grand son with a full house. Nice day for it! Have a great Sunday!
Mark...RIP RBTA...
Tank is a little cloudy right now but everything seems ok, shrimp were partying all night it seems.
And to top off everything I threw the dirty sock in my laundry sink to soak and forgot I had it plugged until I heard a scream about a flood...
Wasn't too bad luckily...
Now on to a birthday party for my 3 year old grand son with a full house. Nice day for it! Have a great Sunday!
Mark...RIP RBTA...