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IMO you should always buy a skimmer that is oversized for the tank it will be used on. This will avoid the need to upgrade (unless its a significantly larger upgrade) to a bigger more powerful skimmer at a later date
Reason for asking is that I can't afford a more powerfull skimmer. I am planning on purchasing a Euro-Reef RC135 skimmer for a really good price. My setup will consist of a 120 gallon tank with a 50 gallon sump. This will be a medium load setup. Now if I decide to stock heavily the Euro will not be able to handle the load. I have a Aqua C skimmer laying around. This is where the question of runninig two skimmers at the same time comes in. If I can save money by running two skimmers, cause I already have one, than I will go that route.
not a bad idea then. But i do think you should be ok with just the euro reef as long as you don't overstock your tank. But adding the 2nd skimmer isnt a bad idea either
I've tried two skimmers years ago. There is nothing wrong with doing this, as long as you can control both independently. However, if you are buying new, I think you would be best off just using one larger more powerful skimmer, and it would be a lot less to clean.
Don't mind the cleaning to much. My only concern now is all the air bubbles that both skimmers are going to create. Maybe by seperating each baffles wider than an inch might solve the problem when I build my sump.
The ONLY reason that I have these two skimmers is because I searched and searched for used skimmers at a good price. I have both set the same as far as wet/dry. I was considering setting one wetter than the other but I havent had a block of time to sit home to monitor the change.