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Ry's 65 G Project

Got my new setup last night from Derrick, great guy! We put the canopy/bulbs/sump in the back of my truck and then we loaded the beautiful cherry wood stand and tank into his truck. I'll be posting pics tomorrow, I'm dead tired. Long day today. Anyway plumbing the 65 seems alot easier then I thought. I get how to connect the return/drain pipe, I just need some advice on where the spa tubing hooks onto the pump. Pics would help. I understand it a lot better now that I have physical things to look at. Also what type of glue or whatever I'll need to glue the tubing together. Like I said I'll be posting pics of what I got tomorrow, but any help would be appreciated in the mean time :)
Little update..
Washed out the sump with combo of brillo pad, vinegar, and old fashioned soap n water! I have it outside now in the backyard getting naturally washed out by the rain, I'll bring it inside in a little while just to dry it off. I also washed the return/drain pipe. Everything is slowly coming together, when I bring the sump inside I'll get pics up. I really wanted to post all pics at the same time. Still need suggestions on glue/primer.
Thanks. But the soap was combined with the vinegar so it kinda canceled it out. I made sure to really clean it out. Should be fine.
Everything is nice and dry and looks a lot better! These are sum pics of when I started this project. I had to move my 50 G FW up into the living room, myself :) So first here are sum pics of that move.


Last time it will ever be in that spot


Its draining!


Water/Fish in containers


All Drained!


Up the stairs, by myself :)


Final Resting Spot :D

So Anyway here is the current pics of the setup I picked up on Saturday.


Above shot of sump


Direct shot of sump


Beautiful cheery finish stand


Retrofit Lights


Direct Tank shot


Above shot of tank


Return/Drain pipe

So there is my biggest update, hope everyone enjoyed!
Congrats Ryan, I'm sure we'll talk more in person or email but quickly while I have a second.

Normally your spaflex tubing comes down from your drain bulkhead, at least mine does LOL and I have normal clear tubing going from my return pump into my return bulkhead. Don't glue anything.... you want to be able to easily get it off on if needed for cleaning, rescuing naughty fish, etc... just clamp everything (you can see what sort of clamps are often used when you come over).