So i have been in the hobby a long, long time but I am far from an expert. i say this because I still hang onto doing some things "the old way". For years I have used the swing arm hydrometer to test my salinity. I have owned a refractometer but never really used it much. Again my tank is working using the swing arm so why change things. Thinking maybe it's time to reevaluate my practices I decided to employ using my refractometer. After testing, the refractometer reveals a salinity of 1.032. I recalibrated using RODI water to make sure it was zeroed out. I happen to have a floating hydrometer as well. It measures my water at 1.025. My floating arm hydrometer reads 1.0245. Before I put the refractometer back on the shelf I will pick up some calibrating fluid as soon as I am able to pick some up.