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Sand Sifting Crabs??


NJRC Member
Great info Phil. Good enough for me, no sand sifting crabs! Guess it's up to the Pistols and Nassarius.
I decided to google more on sand fleas/mole crabs. I read here: http://www.beachconnection.net/news/mcrab050807_0253.htm that they live for only 18 months (max). I'd guess the website would only sell you the adult ones - which means maybe 6~12 months lifespan (if they had enough to eat).

You could use cerith snails (shifts sandbed by burrowing), fighting conches and I guess scarlet hermits. A sandsifting star will eat everything that's alive in the sandbed- but if you're running a shallow bed then I guess no big deal. It's a controversial invert for sure. Mini serpent stars may also help round out the crew. Nassarius are like ceriths - burrowing helps to stir the sand.

Probably the best invert and one designed to clean sand is the sea cucumber. For our fish tanks though it'***** or miss keeping them alive. Plus they are ugly. lol.


NJRC Member
I'm pretty sure the package I'm looking at on Reefcleaners has Cerith so that's good. I have a Fighting Conch now or at least I did, haven't seen it in a month or 2. No Hermit Crabs in the new tank, going snail only for the CUC. I'm sure a Sand Sifting Star would do well but my Harlequins may have something to say about that. I have been considering a Cucumber but it seems like they get kind of big for my tank and, like yousaid, they can be hit or miss.

Thanks for all the info. I just saw something that might be a pretty cool addition to my CUC and I'm glad I asked around a bit!
Dr. Ron is great - I wish he had come to MACNA in AC. I would just say i'm not sure if howze has a deep sand bed or not.