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Sand Swap

Hello everyone

Has the club ever done a thermos or a sand swap. You know, donate some sand to accumulate it, then when a fellow club member needs some sand, they can get it from
the clubs supply. If we were to gather enough, it would help everyone that's breaking down a tank and starting over again. Plus the diversity of critters in the sand would definitely help those those just want a booster shot for their tank/sand. Has the club ever done this? And what would be necessary to keep the sand alive?

I know I've personally gotten a cup here or there when seeding a new tank from people I know, however I know many people don't like to do this as it's the biodiversity of the negative variety they are worried about bringing into their own tanks. With corals or LR you can always dip or treat, but I'm not sure how you could do that with sand.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think the best course with sand is to fallow it for 2 to 3 weeks before swapping it around. That would require a "hospital" or QT tank for the sand until it was ready for distribution.

Taking 1 cup of sand is one thing... more than that of old sand is not a good idea.

thanks for you welcomed opinion/thoughts. I remember a guy James Surge, or something like that, doing a sand swap. It wasn't like what I talking about exactly, just a couple of cups to any individual that gave initially. I can understand not wanting to bring someone elses nonsense into your tank.

Anybody else ever did this?

Jamesurq did a huge sand trade two years running. He collected sand from all over the country, kept in in a 100 gallon tub for a few months, fed it, cared for it, etc and then sent it back. I participated twice and received fantastic stuff.

Search RC for sand swap to see how it was done. He's got his own website now, but I haven't seen the sand swap going on again.

that's the guy I was talking about.He sand we chuck full of stuff. That's what I would like to do. Got to check out what it would require.

Outside of that, has anyone ever done a thermos swap. You put a frag, or 2 in a thermos and trade that thermos for anothers thermos. It would be interesting to see what you get and what you would give up.
