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should the sand be as white or close to when I put it in? I clean it but I cant get it looking white. I was thinking of taking out the top layer just ma be 1/16 of an inch . what do you think? It's mostly in the front where its in the lights the most.
Could just be a diatom out break... new tanks get them and older tanks get them from time to time.

Post your water perameters and a picture would definitely help.
ph 8.1
nitrates 0
mag. 1350
dkh 7
po4 0
salinity 1.025
temp. 82
what kind of sand CUC do you have?

if u don't have anything - may want to look up investing in some nassarius vibex snails or cerith snails...and depending on the size of the tank (and if are okay with looking at a not-so-pretty invert) -a cuke.


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I had a similar look in my front left corner. I added a cuke that stirs the sand nicely just not in the same spot all the time. I added an additional power head and it no longer exists. HHope that helps.
tank size is 150 gal. ma be 6 snails no hermits dont like them. I guess I could add a couple more snails but blenny and 2 tangs take care of algae.
Consider using python or suction device to clear some of the detritus build up when doing next water change.

Increase the flow around tank, 2-4 modified maxijets or Hydor Korilla 3's on a wavemaker.

Just a thought...

I put 4 nassarius snails in today. they are pretty cool. went right under. looked at diamond watchman Brent at trop. said he likes them cause they will eat food as well but they will jump out and I don't have a top on my tank so I'm holding off on that for now. I cant put anymore powerheads in the tank. when I did my plumbing I have flares all over including the bottom.I ran a pipe across the bottom and drilled holes every 8" going in different directions. 6 across the top at different depths and angles plus the double flares on either side from the returns.I use them across the top.
reeferwanabe said:
has anyone killed fish or corals from aggressively cleaning their sand? I know this is a no no but just want to know.

I have heard people that a DSB mixing that up a lot will cause harm but other than that I have not heard much. I think it really depends on a lot of factors. I moved my tank and pulled the sand first and everything lived just fine but it was only a 6 month old sand bed.
Gut feeling but I think if you routinely stir it up a bit in sections from the start you won't run into problems but if you never touch it and let it set a few years and then stir it up bad things could happen.

Maybe I just like snails :D but I would think you could have a few more snails and possibley another sand sifting cuke or starfish. In a big tank the starfish are pretty cool. One of these next couple of group buys you can get some cheap. I have a conch and a sand sifting cuke in my tank. I have algae, my sand is super. The conch is pretty cool to watch.

Also at some point I had more problems with diatoms...your temp is pretty high at 82 that may be part of the problem. When I got my temp it really helped.