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Selling live sand ?????

I thought if you disrupt a sand bed, things can die cause of bad things/chemicals forming in the bed. That being said, how is it that people can sell there live sand to other reefers? Would't it kill there new live stock?
Chemicals are released trapped in air that forms below th surface. once removed this is not an issue any longer. however I have wondered much like live rock if there is a die off of some sorts when taken out.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Not to mention the detritus that gets trapped in the sand. I'd highly recommend a good long rinse in SW (with lots of stirring) for anyone taking on someone else's live sand.
I'm not a big fan of buying someone elses sand and I'd never offer mine for sale. The left over sand from my 55 gallon was put into a sinkhole in my backyard.

I think my next tank will be some sort of Carib Sea ... but it's definitely going to be a thought out before I make up my mind as to which "style".
It can be used and should be thoroughly rinsed in SW as Phyl said.

I've used it on both of my tanks at time of setup. I would expect a cycle from the sand so I wouldn't used recycled sand in an established tank.
reeferwanabe said:
just a thought but after all that rinsing you really dont have "live sand" anymore.
better to buy it new.

I'm with you on that one...However I do add a cup or two of the
old sand to seed the new...One or two cups will do a lot more good
then bad for the system. IMO


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Not that I'd recommend it, but by rinsing, I personally meant with saltwater from my system, not tap/rodi. That said, many people do have great success using used sand. *shrug* As with so many things in this hobby there are many many ways to get there.

I've always felt that with as much money as goes into my tank/s, cutting that one corner just doesn't make sense to me.