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selling to lfs

Do any of you guys sell your frags to pet shops? How do you come up with a price? What kind of mark-up is there? I have been selling some of my stuff but I do not know if I am getting a fair price or not. I sold a few 4” pieces of neon star polyps for $20 and he sold them for $60. Does that sound about right?
In my limited experience with selling things back to the LFS, you get next to nothing for it, and they get to mark it up by a huge margin.

And make sure you get something in writing about any store credit. Gave back the Damsels last year we got to cycle the tank (Yup, actually caught the buggers) and was supposed to get 1/3 credit for each one they sold. They sold one of the Dominos for $20 (he was HUGE). Then they claimed to have no record of anything and I got nothing in the end because they guy we always dealt with had left the store.

Lesson learned. ::)

I think it's better to trade if you can.
Talk to Todd in Pomtain Plains he sells softies to LFS tpomtplains I think is his screen name on RC, one thing I can tell you from when I was breading and selling fish, LFS buy cheap and sell high, Livestock is their bread and butter. some places do a 100-200% mark up on livestock depending on what it is.
Yeah i remember Daniel telling me he only got a dollar a mushroom and stuff. :-\ but i rather sell or trade my frags and stuff to other reefers so they get my price not the store like your saying Greg someone just paid 40 bucks more... but then again most people just want to get rid of them and don't really care how much they get as long as ther're out ::)
I'ven never "sold" (we refered to it as "trade in") things to an lfs, but I saw this from the other side of things.

I had a big long post about how LFSs do the math for a trade in, but I deleted it because it was really long. If you are truly interested in seeing the other side of how trade-ins work to better understand the math, by all means, lemme know and I'll put it up. But, from an alternative perspective, you could be getting a decent trade or hosed at the same time.

Let me ask, are they just common mushrooms? Are they loose and unattached, or are they on a rock? If they're on a rock, about how many are on the rock, are there different kinds of shrooms on the rock, and what size in the rock? ???