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September 2011 - POTM Contest - Winner! (howze01)


NJRC Member
Congratulations to Jonathan (howze01) for winning the September 2011 POTM contest.

Great Picture!!

Quote from Jonathan:
A pic of my Man Darin. Just cropped and darkened the exposure a little. Taken with my Nikon Coolpix L110.

Thanks and Best Regards,

NJRC - POTM Committee



NJRC Member
:applause: I knew I would get it eventually!!!! Thanks everyone for the votes!

Unfortunately, this has turned into a memorial for my poor friend the Mandarin. No clue why but he just disappeared about a week ago. No idea where he may have gone or what happened to him. He was eating all kinds of frozen foods without any problems. Mysis, Cyclopeez, spirulina brine, Nutramar Ova, Rods, anything and everything. Now he's gone though.

Maybe he saw he was winning in the voting and decided to try for a life in the pictures. Whatever happened, I'm going to miss the little bugger and so will CJ. Pretty much every night the Mandarin challenged CJ to a fight but CJ was never man enough to take him on. He'd come up to the glass where CJ was sitting and flare out his fins and dance and shimmy around. Maybe CJ got tired of the continuous threats....
:applause: I knew I would get it eventually!!!! Thanks everyone for the votes!

Unfortunately, this has turned into a memorial for my poor friend the Mandarin. No clue why but he just disappeared about a week ago. No idea where he may have gone or what happened to him. He was eating all kinds of frozen foods without any problems. Mysis, Cyclopeez, spirulina brine, Nutramar Ova, Rods, anything and everything. Now he's gone though.

Maybe he saw he was winning in the voting and decided to try for a life in the pictures. Whatever happened, I'm going to miss the little bugger and so will CJ. Pretty much every night the Mandarin challenged CJ to a fight but CJ was never man enough to take him on. He'd come up to the glass where CJ was sitting and flare out his fins and dance and shimmy around. Maybe CJ got tired of the continuous threats....

that's a bummer...perhaps the potm can be used to defray the cost for another?


NJRC Member
I was thinking the same but with this tank at the end of it's life and the new tank coming I want to let it mature for a while before I get another one. I'm thinking that maybe I can get another clown to match my Picasso with it. Hoping for a Rod's Onyx.
Congrats dude.

R.I.P. Mr. Mandarin, this is a fitting memorial. You were a worthy and well respected adversary. Perhaps in a different life I could have called you friend.