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I'm considering using one of these pumps on my MRC1 skimmer, the flow is 1440GPH against the recommended pumps listed MAG 12 1200 GPH , SEN 900 900 gph, Pan World 50PX 590gph or 100PX 790gph. My thinking is that being I have the skimmer in the sump this would alleviate my back pressure issue with my current pump. Does anyone see any problems using this pump, pro's con's, I don't want to spend the $300 on this pump and find out it won't work for my application. Also does anyone have experience with these pumps for noise issues, it will be placed under my stand in the living room.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Is that a pressure rated pump? If it isn't I would recommend looking into a pressure rated one. You will get the best performance out of the beckett using a pressure pump.

I can say that I love the Sequence pump I have now, I only use it for my return pump though. MDM has great customer service as well.

I have an Iwaki 70 running my MRC (2 Becketts)
I also use a Sequence pump for return flow. I have to say it is the most silent pump I have run to date. In my opinion. I am completely satisfied to date.

Is it pressure rated ???

Tarpon Pump - 1440 gph - 175W

This pump is The One Uno Series pumps feature ultra-quiet, low-wattage water-drawing operation perfect for the high-pressure requirements of 50-200 gallon aquariums. Tough glass-reinforced molded polyprophelene housing with 8' power cords and 115v plugs. Minimal heat transfer. All use less wattage than comparable mag drive pumps. 1" adapted FNPT suction and 3/4" FNPT discharge ports. Get the pumping performance you can trust- all models feature a 3-year warranty
