There is a restaurant in Wall NJ called Shogun Legends that has been up for about a year or so. It is very good Japanese food with two level, a hibachi restaurant upstairs and fine dining downstairs. Why would I bring this up to the club? They have a MASSIVE salt water fish tank in the middle of the resturant. It has to be about 20 feet long, 4 feet high and about 3-4 feet wide. They have it stocked with super nice saltwater fish that we could never dream of owning in the tanks we have. Just off the top of my head they had a school of thread fin look downs, a school of pilot fish (jacks), school of blue tangs, school of yellow tangs, school of fox face rabbits, 2 HUGE puffers (like 2 feet), powder blue tang, vlamingi tang, and a harlequin tusk. They rotate their fish so we have also seen huge eels in there and triggers. There is no live rock and it is not a reef but still really really cool to look at.
Why I am bringing this up now is that they just put tables for two right next to the fish tanks so you are literally watching everything swim by and it is really cool. You can play a great game during dinner called "What would I do with this fish tank?". The food is very good (peking duck for two is our favorite) but if you don't really want to sit down stairs ($$$) they have an excellent sushi bar and the tank is right next to the bar. We snapped a couple of pics with my cellphone as we ate.
Why I am bringing this up now is that they just put tables for two right next to the fish tanks so you are literally watching everything swim by and it is really cool. You can play a great game during dinner called "What would I do with this fish tank?". The food is very good (peking duck for two is our favorite) but if you don't really want to sit down stairs ($$$) they have an excellent sushi bar and the tank is right next to the bar. We snapped a couple of pics with my cellphone as we ate.