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My skimmer pulls around 1.5 gallos of skimmate a week, so when i do my water change i put the extra 1.5 gallos of salt water, how do you guys account for the water the skimmer pulls out
Well, how big is your system? Say you have a 100 gallon system and pull 1 gallon of skimate and replace it with 1 gallon of Fresh RO Water, you have diluted your tank by 1/100th of the original Specific Gravity. In other words, not much.
Of course there could be holes in my math there, but thats generally the way people think of it.
I do enough water changes to never add Salt water in between water changes. I just keep a good eye on the tank SG, and the new water I use for Water changes. I make small adjustments with the new water.
my sistem is 120g, and i replace with salt water at the end of the week, but what you saying sounds good too, just adjust the SG of the new water, i will like to hear anyone else how they replace the water that the skimmer takes out