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Speaking of mated pairs...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a mated pair of Scooter Blennies! They have been dancing together at night (never during the day, but at night they're inseperable). This has gone on for the better part of a month or more. Last night they were swimming, attached to each other at the side as though they were "arm in arm". While they were arm in arm John noticed that one of them was excreting something! When it happened we were so astonished that I jumped. Unfortunately when I jumped they separated and that was the end of the show for the evening!

Are these guys raiseable in captivity? What happens to the eggs when/if they're fertilized? They seem to end up free floating (unless something happens next that I'm not aware of)? Any resources on trying to raise the fry of these guys?
Coitis Interuptus or more commonly known as a "C" Block. Nice going Phyl, that blenny has been working her for a month and just when he's going to get the goods BAM you jump up and ruin it. Do you blennys get blue....nevermind.
Ah, free plankton!

I missed my clown hatch, I still need to read up on the cycles and get ready for the next one.

Next time strap yourself down Phyl and watch quietly! ;)