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Spotfin Buttefly's


NJRC Member
Well I wish I could report some better news but it appears as if one of my butterfly's has stopped eating. Everything was good up until 2 days ago. I added some garlic and some selcon to the mussels I was feeding. Now One barely eats and the other won't even touch them. I wonder if I caused some type of taste aversion with my supplements. Should I try switching over to clams or blackworms? Very sad day today as these are my personal hand caught babies.


NJRC Member
That is what I have been using as the staple diet. Seems to be some type of taste aversion to the garlic. Found out from our good friend poconofishy at wetwebmedia this is one fo the hardest fish to keep in the aquarium. There main diet consists of feather duster and spaghetti worms.