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Sprinkler system help!!!


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
hey guys. Hoping we have a sprinkler guy in the building.

I have s strange humming noise coming from my backflow preventer when I run the sprinklers.

cant spot any leaks or puddles to suggest a leak. But looking for advice or help. I’m in matAwan 07747. If anyone can help or stop by.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Backflows don't hum, they typically chatter....more so on startup or first installed, from air trapped in the valve. If it's air chatter you have, you get rid of it by openning the bleeder or opening all, or as many zones as possible, to run the air out by increased water flow.

Now humming typically comes for sprinkler valve solenoids...that thing with two wires going into it.....low voltage and easy for homeowners to DIY the change. Don't forget to turn off the water, because when you unscrew the solenoid, that's were the water is. :eek:


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Paul’s advice is great. I would try opening each zone for a good bit to let any air out of the system first. If that doesn’t work post here and we can trouble shoot some more. I think running the air out will do it.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Don't want to hi-jack the thread, but sure don't wanna start another non fish thread. I have 4 zones. Every year seem to damage a few heads or do something. But after last season, my one zone get such little pressure it doesn't fully pop the heads. Maybe 4 or 5 heads, which it did before fine. I first left that zone on for an hour oromore hopong to find a soft spot & NOTHING. I then dug up the front yard looking for a leak and still nothing. I dug up around where the selenoids go under ground to make sure I had no leak there as well. Swapped selenoids on a couple of the valves. Just can't figure it out. What can I try next?

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
You can test each solenoid for resistance, or use the battery test.....snap 3 - 9 volts together in series, and hitch each end of each solenoids wires to the + and - terminals to see if the valve fires. You might find by disconnecting each solenoid, you can fire them one at a time using your controller (but only attach one at a time.)

Couldn't the pressure regulator to the sprinkler system be broken? Wouldn't that cause low pressure and a rattling sound?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Two videos for you....

Getting air out:

Rebuilding valve....take note of freeze and wear comments. You might wish to first take your valve apart to see if anything is obvious before ordering a kit:
