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SPS Frags - East Hanover, NJ

All the frags I have were frags that were accidentaly made during my disasterous tank crack....all have been fragged, healed and encrusting for over a month.

I have:

6 Orange Monti Cap's - $15 each
1 Small Blue Staghorn - $10
25 Elkhorn Montiporas - $15 each
Brando457 said:
Great frags and a great guy. Thanks again steve, almost talked about fish for 2 hours heh sorry.

Brandon, nice meeting you and your cousin on Friday!! And no problem....I can talk about this stuff all day!! And I made it to the party on time so all was good ;)
9supratt4 said:
Brando457 said:
Great frags and a great guy. Thanks again steve, almost talked about fish for 2 hours heh sorry.

Brandon, nice meeting you and your cousin on Friday!! And no problem....I can talk about this stuff all day!! And I made it to the party on time so all was good ;)

Nice hope the party was good, so it looks like this guy isn't selling me his tank anymore. He hasn't been in contact with me since Friday when today I was suppose to get it and he hasn't returned my call.

I guess I'll look online for any 70+ gal tanks w/ stand for cheap in the meantime.

BTW the blue stag frag seems to be doing awesome kind of looks bigger than when it was in your tank heh, and the candy cane is doing well also.
So I still have a bunch of frags left and need to lighten my frag rack....$5.00 any frag you want....no limit.
jsweeney76@yahoo.com said:
Hey I'm interested in some of the frags. Where are you located?? WHat do you have left? PLease email me at jsweeney76@yahoo.com. THanks.


Email sent....For everyone else, I have left:

3 Orange Monti Cap's
A whole bunch of ORA Elkhorn Montipora
1 Blue Stag frag
a couple bleached out, but finally coming back birdsnest frags
All frags are first come...Here's what I have left:

3 Orange Monti Cap's
A whole bunch of ORA Elkhorn Montipora
1 Blue Stag frag
a couple bleached out, but finally coming back birdsnest frags

I also have a nice sized blue stag colony that I may be interested in letting go....not for 5 bucks of course hahaha.
SWITCH420 said:
Good 2 meet u guys today thanks 4 the great frags real nice tank 2 thank you

It was nice meeting you today as well!! I will definitely give you a call when the b'nest is ready to frag!!
It's been great meeting everyone who has come by and helpped me lighten my frag rack!!

Here's an update on whats left.....

1 Real Nice Size Blue Stag Colony - $45


2 Orange Monti Cap frags - $5/each


Boat load of Ora Elkhorn Monti Frags - $5/each


I'll be around all weekend this weekend starting tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. So please come get them!!

If I don't unload them....Anyone know any LFS that would take them for store credit?
Yeah the blue stag you got from me already!!

I have the other frags here for now. I'm hoping to get rid of them all soon.
LAST CHANCE to get the Ora Elkhorn Montipora frags!! $5 or less a frag. Monday I will be taking them to a LFS for store credit!!

I also have 1 Hydnophora frag - $10
A couple more pieces of Orange Monti Cap - $5-$10