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Stock Tank

Does anyone know where in south jersey I would be able to purchase one of these at?

I would like to move my tank to my girlfriends since I'm there more often than my house.
If it's possible I wanted to actually use it as the fish tank, sort of like a saltwater pond. If anyone has any opinions on this please let me know. Thanks.
Check out your local Agway store. Most have the 150s/300s and usually smaller ones in stock.

The problem with using one as a fish tank is your ability to watch the fish. You're used to looking at them through the front of a tank and with the stock tank you only get a looking down view. Most people don't like it.

When I first got into this insane Hobbie, a friend of mine had saltwater pools like you are looking for.He used pendent lighting, made it easier to see into the tank. It was very unique,Watching the fish swim around from that angle, I remember his SPS looked great from the top. Its well worth the effort. This was all down in his basement in 110 gallon tubs and I had to watch the tanks when he was away.
there's a few reasons i was thinking of doing this. I do kind of like the idea of looking in from the top, I'm sure it's awkward at first. This would be somewhat temporary till we decide if we want to get a bigger house, this seems slightly easier than setting up my display tank in the basement. Also, the added water volume would be a plus. I'm not sure what lights I'm going use. I have PC's on it now but I was thinking of using a couple shoplights with VHO's if that's possible.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You definitely get a whole new perspective on the tank and its occupants when you're looking at it in a top-down fashion. I really enjoy interacting with the fish this way as they seem to really warm up to you that way. I have fish in a stock tank that I could hold in my hand if I wanted to (though MikeM has that with his glass tank too).

To really enjoy the tank some sort of either small acrylic tank or top down viewing box definitely enhances the enjoyment of the tank. Clams in particular (if you can light them appropriately) make for amazing top down viewing (except that they're a bit skittish of the top down boxes).
I wasn't suggesting not to do it, but just wanted to point out the viewing is different especialy if you have a lot of surface movement. Anyone who went down to Dr. Macs last month will understand the "ripple" comment.

That said I've got a 150 and 300 stock tank (outside) and enjoy it but it's not the same as a normal tank.

I got to agree with Phyl on the clam comment. Top down viewing of clams is the best! Anyone got some extra cash laying around I could borrow to fill up my 150 stock with clams? You can come over any time. :)
