I got a bunch of what it looks like are baby sea anemones. I currently have one bubble tip and a rose tip sea anemones. Could these buggers be off springs? They are multipling like rabbits over the past 10 months. I tried to smoke them with aptasia stuff but to no avail...... They don't move around the tank (pretty stationary) compared to their possible parents. Anyone got any idea's???????????
Apparently Satan's_Milkman has not asked for but this and still got them anyway.
Quote: "Satan's_Milkman does make deliveries unless called upon, any takers ?"
I got a bunch of what it looks like are baby sea anemones. I currently have one bubble tip and a rose tip sea anemones. Could these buggers be off springs? They are multipling like rabbits over the past 10 months. I tried to smoke them with aptasia stuff but to no avail...... They don't move around the tank (pretty stationary) compared to their possible parents. Anyone got any idea's???????????
Apparently Satan's_Milkman has not asked for but this and still got them anyway.
Quote: "Satan's_Milkman does make deliveries unless called upon, any takers ?"