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suggestion on how to remove dead stuff

I got whole buch of old rock (dead) and I put it back in my tank. However, when it in water, I saw those old green hair alge still attach to the rock (white color instead of green). Should I be worry about these dead algea or should I take it out and remove the dead algea? I try to scratch it off with my brush but they don't let go. Anyway to remove it effectively inside the tank or out side the tank?
do you have a pic?

I don't understand when you say you brush it off it doesn't come off? If it's dead rock just take a stiff brush and rake it off. Should be easy.
Yes I think you should because they are going to add nutients to your tank.
Get it off and try to put the rock to cure for a while in the dark would be my suggestion.
thank you all for replies.
I talked to MIKEM at the meeting and got his suggestion. I bought the wire wheel from auto part store and clean all dead stuff off. the rock is bared now. I got it all off.

is it bad to have nutrient in the tank? the tank should naturally has nutrient anyway right?
Of course MikeM solved your problem ;).

Yes your tank is naturally going to have nutrients. Some is good, acts as coral food, snail food etc. But too much is bad. If the rocks had a lot of hair algae on them then likely you have a lot of trapped detritus. That can and likely will cause you to have a problem with algae. We all spend a lot of time, money, and effort to keep a stable environment in large part by exporting nutrients via skimmer, carbon, phosban, macro algae, and water changes.
So you see if you can clean the rocks you will start with less and make your life much easier in the long run.

Hope that helps.