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Sump for a 75g

Hey guys, I'm moving into a new house within the month and currently have a deal for a 75g complete system minus a sump. The pump I'm getting with the tank is a 700gph marineland. I'm looking for a good sized sump to complete the system so it's operational once I move in to my new house. Not looking to break the bank, since its my first experience going with a sump. Anyone have an old unit kicking around?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
where are you located? i have this guy

Eshopps AEO14005 Reef Sumps Rs-100


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
where you located? I have a sump that I can sell you. IIRC, I believe its the older Eshopps RS100 but i have to double check.