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Sump Help!

Does anyone know where I can buy a 3 section sump- refugium/skimmer/return-any order. i am looking to buy one now. i just over tightened the bulkhead on my sump and cracked it. so pissed. not to mention the huge gash i got in my finger moving the broken 55g tank. i probably need stitches. but more importantly, i need a new sump, like asap! please point me in the right direction!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Champion Lighting sells ADHI sumps. I've heard good things about them.
Seems to be a lot of that going around. Does it look like this?


I did that to my new sump last night, using a brick wall. :mad:
I recommend ADHI sumps ... Aquatic Obsessions has them and puts them on alot of their installs.

The only other sump I would get if I didn't get an ADHI would be a custom sump.
Guys HAND tight on the Bulkheads
There is no reason to overtigthen the nut
I have a 50Gal Breeder I got from AO You would have to do all the work on it It cost me 100.00 I would just order another one