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Sump size opinion.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm currently running a 40gallon breeder sump for my 125gallon tank. With power off, the sump water raises 2 1/2 inches. I have about 3inches of room left in the sump.
I'm setting up a 220gallon which is 12inches longer and 6inches deeper front to back.
Question: Do you think the sump will handle the larger water volume? Safely?
I can make the 125 into a sump and use that under the stand, but I think thats an over-kill.
Question: Should I get rid of the 125 and the 40 and look for a 75gallon for a sump?
Thanks for the opinions.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Does your 125 have 1 overflow or two? That's really where the change would be. As long as your using the same pump and the same number of overflows (and your returns are higher in the tank), you could set it up so that the water volume back siphoning into the tank will be the same.

We might have a tank you can have for the sump. We'll take a look and see what we have.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
On the 125, I'm using a HOB dual overflow. On the 220, it has 2 overflows.
Would this make any difference? The 125 has 2 1 1/4 drains and the 220 has 2, 1 inch drains.
Thanks Phyl.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We used an aquaclear wet dry under our 120. I can't imagine it is as big as a 40g breeder. Give it a try and if it isn't big enough c'mon over and go "shopping". I'm sure we have something here you can have.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
length x width x depth (all in feet and decimal of feet) x 7.5 will give you gallons.

If you compare the storage area in your sump, and the amount that will drain from the tank after power out, you'll know if it will work.

you can also use; length x width x depth (all in inches) x .00434 to get gallons as well.