OK so im relitivly new to all this and im not sure if i can add reflectors to my current light. My tank is a 44 gal corner pentagon. This is the light I have http://www.aquatraders.com/20-inch-4x18W-T5-Aquarium-Light-Fixture-p/52302.htm. When I started this i was not sure which way I was gonna go and now of course im wanting to add some types of coral. Im told the light as is would support mushrooms and LPS. I have also been told that adding individul reflectors would increase my options. I have been searching the web and have found zero reflectors for an 18 in bulb. Anyone know of any options. Should I just upgrade the light. I really dont have a ton of money to work with, If i get longer reflectors are the easy to cut down and add clips. Thanks in advance