I usually turn my return pump off during feeding. Tonight, when the return pump came back on, the display tank got very close to overflowing .
After a few minutes, the water level did go down and everything was ok. What also happened was the level in my skimmer column went way down. My skimmer is fed by a Mag 18 in the overflow section of my sump.
The tank was started in Aug of 06 and has been fine until now. My first guess is that something is clogging the overflow piping. I have no idea why the skimmer level went down. Anyone have any ideas where I might start to look for the problem.
After a few minutes, the water level did go down and everything was ok. What also happened was the level in my skimmer column went way down. My skimmer is fed by a Mag 18 in the overflow section of my sump.
The tank was started in Aug of 06 and has been fine until now. My first guess is that something is clogging the overflow piping. I have no idea why the skimmer level went down. Anyone have any ideas where I might start to look for the problem.