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Tank Crashed

into a truck...

1,500 Gallon Tank at Tampa International hit by pickup truck


TAMPA, Fla. - The driver and the child in her lap survived when a pickup slammed into a 1,500-gallon aquarium at Tampa International Airport, officials said. The tropical fish were not so lucky.

Airport officials say 36-year-old Yamile Campuzano-Martine lost control of her truck and drove into the saltwater tank outside the American Airlines baggage claim Monday night. Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan said the driver had an unrestrained 6-year-old boy in her lap.

About 90 percent of the 30 to 40 saltwater fish in the tank were killed.

The aquarium was part of a public art program. The airport spent $200,000 on the exhibit, which included the 12-foot tank.

Campuzano-Martine was cited for careless driving. No number was listed for her in public records.

From: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33831758...ews/?GT1=43001


NJRC Member
ricwilli said:
MAAAAAANNNNN!, I thought your tank crashed.

I thought the same thing then I thought its Hawkeye he would never post in the wrong forum.

What a shame way to many stupid people out there.
Wondering who would drive around with a kid in the front seat unrestrained,and like Nick mentioned,maybe a few guard rails around the tank for protection would of been a good idea..I bet next time that wouldnt be overlooked