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Tanks crashing please help

Due to not being to do anything for the past 2 weeks and a rbta getting shredded in a pump things are getting real bad in the tank. Ed stopped by the other day to do a water change but I must have missed a couple pieces of rbta that is now rotting. Is there anyone that could hold my fish and coral for a week or 2. I have a 1 banggai, 1 gsm clown, 1 rainford goby, 1 gbta, some zoas, a duncan colony, ric yumas and a few other odds and ends. I've lost a couple of corals fish and shrimp already, waters really cloudy so I would like to get everything out as soon as possible. I am unable to drive so if someone could pick them up in Brielle. I would be willing to give a couple of the corals for your trouble.

How many gallons is the tank. I'm right over the bridge in Point Pleasant but my wife is out and I have my three kids home. I'm working tomorrow but I might be able to get there around 1:00 or so.
I'm going to try to help this guy out tomorrow. Any advice? I think he only has a 10 gallon tank. Should I do a 50% water change, 100% water change?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
100% and make sure that there are no piece of anem left. You should probably plan to do another major change the next day.
Another though on cleaning the tank.

Take this for what it's worth considering my "appreciation" for water changes (or lack of) but I'd never personally do a 100% water change, ever, never, short of something like a massive dose of copper being dropped in the tank.

With that said, for an RBTA getting shredded I'd clean the pump, do about 25% water change or slightly more if needed to suck as much of the "slime" out of the tank as needed and run a small amount of carbon for a couple days. The carbon will pull the organics out of the tank and clear the water up in no time flat. Then maybe do another 25% water change after removing the carbon.

If you can't easily run carbon in the system then ignore this post. ;D

Sorry for your trouble Greg

I've got my 20 running with barely anything in it, if there's anything GregW can't hold I can swing by there tomorrow afternoon as well