• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

TB Aquatic Water Leak detector

everyone, I just bought one of those water leak detector for $10 from TB Aquatic. I just check it out and it work very good. very sensitive in water level detection. I try it with both DI water and regular water.
This defenitely will save my 4$$ in future. I have water all over my garage so many times and display tank area as well. lucky me that my tank is in the ceramic title area otherwise, my boss cut my throat while I am in sleep. BUY IT PEOPLE, EVEN YOU DON'T USE IT. the darn alert Piezo is SO LOAD. Identical sound to the fire detector. good stuff to fool ur other half when she/he cooks/wash/clean :) turn on water faucet and beep :))
thank you for asking.
I want to donate my boy :) today. He is fully recover and back into his normal dare devil again. :(
now with flooding when noone home, we need to talk to Dave (Malulu)so he can ask his friend in Taiwan to built a robot for clean up :) or shut off water.