Still no power up here at the Paintmans house. Been running the Generac 6 hours on 6 hours off. Everything seems to be doing fine just a little P'ed off. I am droppng about 2 degrees every 6 hours from 78-76. Tank is in the basement so it's a little cooler down there. So I fire up the generator to bring temp back up and aerate tank. Only feedding once a day now. Stupid thing about all this is.... The transformer out on my pole popped the tail (fuse). All that needs to be done to power me back up is take a fiberglass pole and push the fuse back into the socket. Had a JCPL crew working about 1/2 mile down the road from me on Thursday night. Asked them if they could drive down to my pole and push the fuse back into place (20 second job). They said they couldn't do it without a work order. Last I heard was we may have power back by 6 p.m. Sunday. In the meantime I am at 50% propane in my tanks, and Suburban has said earliest delivery will be Tuesday but probably Wednesday. Fortunately I also have a 5K Coleman gas generator waiting in the wings if I run out of propane. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!