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on my refugium I have a light that sits on top of tank. well, it fell into the tank somehow and I found out too late. I turned it off and unplugged it but when I pulled it out stuff from the ballast went into the water. all corals closed up and shrunk I quickly cut off the flow from fuge to main tankand did a major water change.dumped most of the water from fuge and added new water. I also hooked up a hang on filter to the fuge with carbon. sump has 4 bags of carbon.I hope I saved everything. time will tell.
I hope you have better luck then me. I've electrocuted my tank a couple of times over the years with bad results. Both times were heaters for me so hopefully things work out better for you.

luckily you were not hurt. You did the right things by changing the water and adding carbon. About all you can do is wait it out and see what happens.

After you get a new light or repair the old one. I do recommend that you suspend the light on cables or chains, so that it can not easily fall into the tank. I highly recommend this for all aquarium lighting.
I cut a piece of glass for the top. lost 1 cleaner shrimp the other one seems OK for now. some corals starting to open up some still closed. Carlo, I lost power during the night and after checking everything I found that my heater glass broke. so here's another problem. when it rains it pours. well my house stays pretty toasty and the halides warm things up a little so I'm gonna try without a heater for awhile and keep a close eye on things. thanks for everyones input Dave.
ok so it took awhile but final tally lost the clam I bought at swap 1 cleaner shrimp pulsing Xenia from swap this was growing fast and pulsed strong I'd like to replace it and the clam. already got new shrimp.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
reeferwanabe said:
ok so it took awhile but final tally lost the clam I bought at swap 1 cleaner shrimp pulsing Xenia from swap this was growing fast and pulsed strong I'd like to replace it and the clam. already got new shrimp.

If you want to drive down to Paulsboro (20 minutes south of Cherry Hill), You can have as much frags of my Pom Pomp Xenia that came from Billyr98. I got it less than 4 months ago barely 1 inch across and it is now enveloped a rock that is 9 inches high and 15 inches around. You could easily walk away with 6 to 10 frags of it.
