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Ultra flex PVC ?'s

So a quick question here. I am pretty much finished plumbing my new tank and waited to ask this question for some reason. I know this stuff glues up with standard PVC fittings but it seems to have a little more "play" prior to glueing. Everything is glued in and it all seems pretty solid but is this normal for flexible PVC?


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
In my experience with regular flex PVC (haven't used the ultra flex yet) it seems to slide into fittings much easier than standard PVC when gluing. It can also seem to "pull" back out as the glue dries if not held in place. Did you use standard PVC primer and cement?


NJRC Member
Run a wet bead of glue around the new seams to ensure the seal. I've never had them leak but anytime I had fittings slide together really loose or if they pushed apart while drying I would always run another bead across the seams when it cured just to be sure.