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I wanted to get info on upgrading 55 gal. to biggest tank I could fit in this spot. 48" 24" wide 30? h or 24-28.I don't have a basement so thinking of custom stand to fit largest sump under it possible folr tank but it feels like I,m stepping back. I thought it would be nice to get some fish you cant put in with coralshow many fish could I put in a tank this size?
A 55 is 48 long by 13 front to back, by 20 or something or other high - I forget, but height isn't the restraining factor in your question.

The biggest in my opinion would be a 120, it is 48 by 24 by 24. I haven't stocked by 120 yet but there are quite a few folks who have 120s that can chime in. In terms of fish that DO NOT get a long with corals - the majority of triggers and angels typically fit - and most of them are really beautiful. The question is just size (some grow much bigger than others) and compatibility with whatever else you have.

hehe - forgot to add the "DO NOT" above...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't think there are stock tank sizes that are 30" front to back, but if there were, that would be a GREAT dimension. Probably worth doing custom.

We had a 120 that was 4x2x2, which is a decent footprint. Much better than the 18" width.